Using IBM® Rational ClearCase ® Commands

IBM® ClearCase® is a version control system that is used by software developers. The following table lists the Source Control commands in Source Insight, and useful settings for using ClearCase.

Table 3.3: ClearCase Source Control Commands

Custom Command

Run String


Check Out

cleartool checkout -unr -nc %f

check out current file unreserved (non-locking), no comment

Check In

cleartool checkin -nc %f

check in current file without com­ment

Undo Check Out

cleartool uncheckout %f

undo check out of current file

Sync to Source Con­trol Project

cleartool update

update the view

Sync File to Source Control Project

cleartool update %f

update the current file in the view

Edit each of the above Custom Commands, and set the "Run" string from the above table.

A shortcut to edit a Custom Command is to hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on one of the source control icons in the toolbar. For example, Ctrl+click on the "Check Out" button. The Custom Command dialog will appear open to the "Check Out" command.

The cleartool utility must be on your PATH. If not, replace the instances of cleartool above with the full path to the cleartool.exe command on your machine.

The %f parameter in the "Run" string of a custom command will be replaced with the full path of the current file.

You may want to alter some of the options specified above. You can also add more commands for additional operations. Please refer to ClearCase documentation.